You’ve probably heard that a birth that’s as natural and drug-free as possible is best for baby, but maybe you aren’t sure you can do it.
You may feel confused or overwhelmed by conflicting information about pregnancy and childbirth, unsure what to believe. Perhaps you’ve considered out-of-hospital birth in your home, or waterbirth, but those options seem too unconventional or intimidating. Or maybe you would just like someone to talk to someone about the changes happening to your body, a place to get information about how to grow the happiest, healthiest baby.
There is a way to change your perspective on childbirth, and a place to get the support, information and encouragement you need and want.
Welcome to BirthSpirit!
Midwifery Care for Homebirth in NEPA
with a Midwife
You will receive high quality, individualized, comprehensive health care with a strong emphasis on education. You will participate fully in decisions regarding your pregnancy and birth.
A Variety
of Options
We offer prenatal care, nutritional counseling, homebirth, waterbirth, lactation assistance, postpartum care, natural family planning & use of nutritional supplements.
The Wellness Approach
This includes everything from good nutrition, moderate exercise, positive childbirth education, and the use of natural therapies instead of medical interventions whenever possible.
At BirthSpirit, we believe that pregnancy is a normal, healthy condition that benefits from a wellness approach. This approach includes good nutrition, moderate exercise, positive childbirth education, and the use of natural therapies instead of medical interventions whenever possible. My role is to monitor and support the natural course of pregnancy by providing regular prenatal care as well as guidance during labor, birth, and the postpartum. My first commitment is always to the safety of both you and your baby.
As a holistic midwife, I serve the Northeast Pennsylvania area, offering a variety of options including:
- Prenatal Care
- Nutritional Counseling
- Homebirth
- Waterbirth
- Lactation Assistance
- Postpartum Care
- Natural Family Planning
- Natural health consultations, specializing in:
- Homeopathy
- Body-mind integration
- Use of nutritional supplements
You will find the BirthSpirit website full of helpful information about midwives, the safety of homebirth, and other wonderful birthing options such as waterbirth. Please take time to visit the various pages. I have a lot of birth photos sprinkled throughout the site, including stories of my client’s births on the Birth Stories page. You can link to other websites I’ve found useful on the Links page. And the Resources page is full of hand-outs that are useful during your care.
